Guided Exercises for The Pleiadian Workbook Awakening Your Divine Ka MP3


Divine Ka exercises

A complete set of MP3s for the exercises that accompany Amorah Quan Yin’s classic book, Awakening Your Divine Ka.



Divine Ka exercises

A complete set of MP3s for the exercises that accompany Amorah Quan Yin’s classic book, Awakening Your Divine Ka.

This 6 CD set, in MP3 format, includes all of the exercises in Section II of The Workbook (This includes the Dolphin Moves CD 1 and the Higher Self Meditation CD) Instructions are included for coordinating the CDs (noted as tapes in the book) with the Workbook.

Learn how to consciously align with your higher self and divine oneness. The Pleiadian Workbook is a direct transmission from the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, light beings from the Pleiades who say it’s time now for spiritual growth, ascension and healing. Through Amorah Quan Yin, we are all taught to open our Ka Channels, which pull energy from our multidimensional, holographic selves into our physical bodies. These galactic healing techniques align us with our divine selves, raise our vibratory rates, and rejuvenate and balance our bodies while accelerating spiritual evolution and stimulating emotional healing.

Also available as physical CD sets
6 CD Set
6 CD Set, Book included

Track Listing:
Disc 1 –
Grounding continued
Aura Healing and Clearing
Spinal Pathways
Home Clearing
Bedtime Protection
Clearing with Roses
Roses for Clearing Issues

Disc 2 –
Boundary Roses
Clearing Pictures
Clearing Chakras
Clearing Beliefs
Clearing Judgments
Clearing Perfect Pictures
Clearing Psychic Agreements
Clearing Psychic Agreements Continued

Disc 3 –
Being in Present Time
Meeting the Pleiadians
Ka Template
Ka Channels
Dolphin Move #1

Disc 4 –
Dolphin Move #2 & Brain Repatterning
PEMS Synchronization Chamber;
Interdimensional Chamber;
Quantum Transfiguration Chamber;
Integration Acceleration Chamber;
Ascension Chamber;
Sleep Chamber;
Stress Reduction Chamber
Dolphin Star Link;
Divine Axis Realignment
No Time and Space Chamber;
Emotional Healing Chamber

Disc 5 –
Multidimensional Healing and Integration Chamber
Love-Unification Chamber
Love-Angelic and Archangelic Chamber
Love- Divine Feminine Chamber
Love-Divine Masculine Chamber
Yin-Yang Chamber
Cocoon Healing
Alternative Cocoon Healing
Clearing Erroneous Neural Pathways;
Cellular Reorientation and Repatterning

Disc 6 –
Meditation for Meeting and Blending with Your Higher Self;
Meditation for Divine Axis Alignment with your Higher Self
KA Maintenance
KA Balancing Chamber

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